
This past week you saw various ways to format .pdf documents using R Markdown and some simple LaTeX commands. Your assignment is to create a report based upon the template here that includes all of the attributes below. You will need to modify the YAML section and main document accordingly.

Title page

  • Title: “My Report for Assignment 6”
  • Author: your first and last names
  • Date: dynamically assigned when knitted using a format of month_name day, four_digit_year


  • All sections and text in the template document
  • Table of contents that includes the 3 levels of headings in the template document



  • 1.5" margins on the top and bottom
  • 1" on the left and right side
  • 11-point type (the default font is OK)
  • 1.5 line spacing


You will need to insert 3 equations into the template document at the locations indicated by the blocks. When formatted, the equations should appear as follows (paying attention to text appearing as regular versus italic type):

Eqn 1 (single line)

Eqns 2 & 3 (two lines)

Eqn 4 (single line)


You will need to insert 2 citations into the Discussion section at the locations indicated on the template, and create a list of automatically formatted references in the References section. You should use the style template for the journal Ecology.


You should create a new GitHub repo called Assignment-6 that includes both your .Rmd source file and the resulting .pdf. When you are finished,

  1. invite Mark as a collaborator to your repo;

  2. create a new issue that briefly describes what you’ve done; and

  3. tag Mark in the issue so he can check out your work.